Worthington Christian welcomes Linda Trainer as a Mathematics teacher in the Upper School. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Bob Jones University in Math Education. Linda comes to WC, having previously served in Reynoldsburg City Schools. She and her husband are parents to two WC grads (’10 & ’14). They attend Citizen Church in Westerville.
We asked all of our new staff members several “getting to know you” questions; we hope you enjoy learning a bit more about Linda!
What is something someone might be surprised to find out about you?
I’m Canadian! I finally became a U.S. Citizen in 2019 after living in the U.S. for many years.
What is the first job you ever had?
Working in my parent’s fast food restaurant frying chicken and working the cash register.
What is your favorite family tradition?
Playing games together and going to a movie on Christmas Eve.
What is your favorite home-cooked meal?
Anything with pasta!
What is your most used emoji, what emoji confuses you the most?
and the face with spiral eyes confuses me.
What makes a “good day” at school?
Communicating well to deepen student understanding, seeing students enjoy math class, having fun with students as we work together to learn.
What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Love people, honor God.
What is a passage of Scripture you turn to for encouragement?
Isaiah 40:28-31, 41:10 – God is with us!